The Tunisian Association of Dental Students (TDSA) is a member of the International Association of Dental Students Members (IADS). This enthusiastic group of students travelled across Tunisia by bus with oral health education and hygiene materials to reach not only children in primary schools and orphanages, but also adults in public squares, malls and parks.
5,000 screenings
From the 25th of February to the 24th of March 2020, the TDSA provided more than 5,000 oral health screenings for children and visited 15 regions of Tunisia.
Equipment donation
The tour had to stop when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Tunisia in March. The TDSA donated the rest of their gloves and surgical masks that were supposed to be used during the tour to their faculty dental clinic. They are proud to have been able to provide dentists with personal protective equipment during this difficult time.

Tunisian Association of Dental Students traveled by bus across the country to spread awareness raising messages about good oral health